Me and my PW (graduation companion) :p
a.k.a my parents
What is the difference between today and four years ago?
How have I change in the last four years?
These questions have multiple answers. But one of main answers is “the level of responsibility I bear.”
Four years ago I used to be a college student. I responsible to learned and mastered subjects in my study program. Despite having other responsibilities in student organizations, I should finish my study to obtain my degree and make my parents proud of it.
Two weeks ago, I got my degree. I was awarded “Sarjana Teknik (S.T.)” after my name. Perhaps it won’t change anything. But when I use it, it will be different. Now I can give an official sign with that degree in some ordinary letters in the project I involved in. Therefore, my responsibility is getting bigger.
Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga) ITB on 9 April 2011 was crowded and vibrant! Full of energetic people who were just graduated from the oldest institute of technology in Indonesia.
In the early morning, I first met my friend who was also came from same high school. He admitted in Architecture while I was admitted in Civil Engineering program. He is Alma.

Me and Alma
Met with Alma in the morning of my graduation day made my memory back to 4,8 years ago.
Alma was my companion in struggling through National College Student Admission – Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (SPMB) year 2006.
Around May or June, after finishing our study at Taruna Nusantara High School in Magelang, he came to Bandung with me. Actually his home is in Sibolga. But after our Prasetya Alumni (TN’s graduation day) he decided to go directly to Bandung to take the SPMB. Even he has a relative in Bandung he decided to stay with my family. My family welcome him. Then my father prepared my bedroom to be compatible for us to sleep. At that time, my house was small with 5 person living there. We shared the room for sleeping and studying. We slept in two-level bed. Alma slept on the top, while I slept below, because I was heavier than him.
I prepare myself for the SPMB exam by taking SSC course. However, alma did not. So when I have to go to SSC, Alma stayed in Fortuna (Fourteen Taruna Nusantara) homebase for SPMB at Mess Babinkum in Jl. Tirtayasa, next to Aquarius Dago. We allowed to stayed there with courtesy from Gerry‘s father who worked in the army. Alma is a brilliant student. He once a member of Physics Team in TN. Even he didn’t take a preparation course like me, he passed the SPMB. Often, I asked him to solve problems I met in try out. So when I have a try out, I usually blanked my question sheet, so I can give to Alma afterwards.
We were struggle together to enter ITB. Struggling in different major. But at last, graduated in same day, same place. Great bro! Wish us luck!
Graduation Ceremony
Finally….yeah finally, I wasn’t in Sabuga in Protocol duty. I was in my graduation suit. A combination of blue and dark blue robe, with a vivid blue-yellow ribbon which hold a bronze medal marked: INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG – SARJANA.
Graduation ceremony
The ceremony was remarkable. Actually, I’ve experienced many ITB Graduation Ceremony, but as an organizing committee. So this was different. I attended it as a participant. I stood up to take an oath of graduates, walked to the stage to receive salute and my degree and meet my friends to take photographs of our graduation.
Also, in the ceremony, I was impressed by the professor council. Someday I want to wear that suit, to be a professor. Get a high achievement in academic and contribute to country’s development. To achieve that, of course I should be a lecturer first.
Wish me achieve it! 🙂

Our rector, Prof. Akhmaloka, Ph.D—someday I want to be in his position 🙂
(Courtesy of Yosay)
My Hope
Now, as a graduate of ITB and a civil engineer, may God bless me and responsibility that comes after it.
Many thanks to my parents, lecturers, friends, and other people I couldn’t mention personally for their supports so I can be what I am now.
Hohoho, your story is awfully inspiring. I didn't thought before that you have close relationship with alma. I knew him at PMB.So, what the next step gan? Maybe your plan can give me further inspiration.
wihiii… akhirnyaa.. :)semangat ghan, keep struggling ! keep inspiring ..
@Ijal:thank you for your comment! :)I am glad my article inspires other..Yup, right, both of us were in the same high school. It wasn't a surprise that you know him at PMB. He was involved in many campus activity too..My plan after graduated, is still seeking for scholarship abroad while doing some projects and research at lab.@yosay:amiiin!Thanks for your comment…and the photo! 🙂
nice info gan
wahh congrat…barokallohulaka bwt kelulusannya 😀 eh eh masbro mo nyoba scholarship jerman ga?? insya Alloh ada juga jurusan tekniknya, tp utk lebih lengkapnya mampir sini nih siapa tau rizkinya ke jerman 😀
hei rina #k2011 …hehemakasih ya.amiin. oia,makasih buat link-nya.belum saya liat2 sih,ntar sy liat..sebenernya mimpi saya pengen ke eropa/amerika. Yang masih pake bahasa inggris,biar ga terlalu sulit juga ngomongnya.heheTapi klo emang jodoh-nya ke jerman,ya siapa yg mau nolak! apalagi gratis.:D
eh selamaaat udah wisuda, baru baca postingannya lagi nih 🙂 semoga bermanfaat dan berkah ya ilmunya.semoga dimudahkan juga pencapaian mimpinya.. aamiinn ^^
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@teh Tiffa: makasih teh. amiin2…:)maafbaru bales komennya…
feel so impressed with you..good job bro :))
ghaniii..teman satu kamar siaware, hehedoain gw cepet nyusul yaaa
@mr.ferraro:amiiin2…semoga cepet menyusul…imperial college menunggu!hehe#impiansiaware