
The Most Wanted Youth Training Camp in West Java Coming Again !!! Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Putra Sunda 9 PKPS 9 ini diorganisasikan oleh Gerakan Masyarakat Jawa Barat dengan full support dari Dinas Olahraga dan Pemuda Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sebelum daftar, baca dulu ini: Apa itu PKPS?? Waktu, Tempat, dan Bentuk kegiatan Siapa saja pematerinya?? Fasilitas Peserta…

Read More The Most Wanted Youth Training Camp in West Java:PKPS 9 !

Soil Mechanics Laboratory ITB will hold an event of Short Course on Foundation Engineering: Principles and Practices. The short course will takes place in Auditorium Campus Center ITB on 11-13 April 2011. Please enlarge the picture below to obtain more information. We also provide course fee reduction for some condition in which the participant pays…

Read More Short Course on Foundation Engineering: Principles and Practices