It is almost 2 years ago since I made my last riding to Mt. Tangkuban Parahu. In my first attempt (read: Mount Tangkuban Parahu: Between Sweat, Mist, and Proudness) we (Me, Upi & Nuri) haven’t reach the top crater yet. After that, personally, I have an ambition to repeat the journey and finish it in the top of the mountain: Kawah Ratu (Ratu Crater).
Several weeks ago, I watched a video about Bandung, titled “Ngarekam Bandung“. And suddenly I thought about making a short video concerning cycling trip in Bandung and its surroundings. It was a coincident when Upi ask me to go cycling in Saturday, so I have a partner to realize my plan. We also contacted our friends: Nuri, Didit, Andri, they are our classmate in elementary school, to go with us. Unfortunately none of them could come in that Saturday. At last, only me and Upi who were able to go cycling on the D-Day.
Our rendezvous point was in the city square, in front of BRI Tower.

BRI Tower in the city square (Alun-alun)
After we met, Upi suggested that we should continue our journey to Mt. Tangkuban Parahu, to make another attempt to reach its top. It was a good idea I thought. Since the next day is also a holiday, so even we got an ache, we would still have a recovery day. Also it was a chance to fulfill my ambition.
We planned to go to Lembang first via Setiabudi. It was my first cycling trip to Lembang through Setiabudi. Previously, I always avoid this track due to high traffic load and windy road which made the distance to Lembang further.
But actually, there is some advantages using this route. It has lower ascending grade than PPR (Dago Bengkok) route or Punclut “Tanjakan Langit” route.
As Upi told me, I admit that cycling through this route will test our mental. There are lots of windy road-turn. However, we could reach Lembang.
We took a rest for a while in a famous “Kue Balok” stall. It is located in Jayagiri Road, a fork prior to Masjid Agung Lembang.
At the stall we met Upi’s friends. The two friends then joined with us.

Forest in Cikole

Cooling down the muscle for a while
We leave Bandung’s city square about 7.30 then arrived in Lembang at 9.00. Off from food stall at 9.30, then arrived at Mt. Tangkuban Parahu lower gate at 10.45. We took a rest again in a food stall. We just realized that next to us, that is the border gate of Bandung Regency-Subang Regency, was a cycling road race venue of Sea Games XXVI. I remembered reading an article about Tonton Susanto, an Indonesian cycling athlete, who got a first place in road race game. Didn’t want to waste the opportunity, we approach the podium and make some photographs while the committee clean up the area.

At the base of Mt. Tangkuban Parahu
At least I’ve ever come to the Sea Games venue…ehehe
Tonton was here!
About 11.30 we went through the entrance gate after bought personal tickets. It was 13,000 IDR each. The distance to the top (Kawah Ratu) is 3.2 km with ascending road!
After struggling in about 1 hour, finally we reached the top of Mt. Tangkuban Parahu!
Alhamdulillah, my dream comes true!
It was my 2nd trip to Kawah Ratu. The first one was in 2007, with LSS member, in annual hiking occasion. So, I never go to the Mt. Tangkuban Parahu using motor-vehicle. Thanks God you give me strong body ๐

At Kawah Ratu (Ratu Crater)
After taking some pictures as a proof (that we have conquered this mountain by bicycle :p), we immediately returned to Bandung. We couldn’t stay long in there because our cycling apparel didn’t suit the cold environment in a place whose elevation is 1830 m above sea level.
Team member #1: Upi
Team member #2: Anang
Team member #4: Ghani
Elevation of Mt. Tangkuban Parahu: 1830 m above sea level
The returned trip was very easy, because the road is descending. Except, two sections before Lembang town. Those section have an ascending road. In the returned trip, my velo-wireless recorded that my maximum speed was over 50 km/h!
Unfortunately, when we reached Lembang town, it was raining cats and dogs. Hence, we took shelter in a mini market while enjoying instant noodles.
Finally, at 16.30 I arrived at home after having a total 34+28 km trip with PiPi (my bicycle)!
(The 34 km comes from Endomondo stat, recorded in ‘way to go’ trip. While 28 km comes from my velo-wireless reading, recorded in returned trip)
Stat from my Endomondo app via BlackBerry
Route tracked by GPS via Endomondo