
Kindle paperwhite 2013 model I was thinking, by having smartphone I could easily access and read my e-book collection anytime anywhere. Then I found it hurts my eyes due to its small display. Then, I thought, maybe by having tablet (iPad, galaxy tab, etc.) it would be better to read e-book. But, again, I feel…

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Masih terpatri dalam ingatan saya. Malam hari di Jalan Ambon beberapa tahun silam, di dalam sebuah bus malam yang dipenuhi anak-anak SMA dengan pakaian dan topi OSIS serta jaket hitam yang merupakan setelan seragam malam sekolah mereka. Setelah melepas penat di waktu cuti mereka, akhirnya malam itu mereka harus kembali ke sekolah asrama mereka di…

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Do you have a vacant time on July 8th? Please come to the 7th ASEAN Festival. It is an annual event of ASEAN Student Association. There will be several performances and exhibitions from each of 10 ASEAN member countries. Date: Sunday, July 8 2012Time: 13.00 – 18.30Venue: Hollywood University of Beauty and Fashion, Roppongi (see…

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Baiklah, saya akan menjelaskan gejala-gejala yang pernah saya alami sampai akhirnya saya harus di-“septoplasty” : Setiap mau mendarat saya sering merasakan semua fluida yang ada di kepala mengalir menuju otak,mata,hidung. Sakit sekali rasanya. Bahkan pernah ngerasain kalo bola mata ini mau keluar. Selain itu kadang-kadang leher saya pun sakit, seolah-olah darah yang ada di leher…

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Yesterday, I officially ended my job at Soil Mechanics Laboratory ITB. I did that to switch my focus into “my first abroad study” preparation. I have been in Lab for 1 year 2 weeks. It was a valuable experience since I joined the Lab after my undergraduate thesis defense. Since then I learned many things from laboratory…

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