Salman: My Second Home

When you have something wrong in your life, just go inside…
When you have terrible feeling, just go inside…
When you need some fresh air for your mind, clean water that freshen your spirit, just sit and pray inside…
Inside it…Salman

It’s a mosque in our campus. I met him, for the first time, when I was asked by my friend in junior high school to accompany him to ITB. And when I entered ITB as a student, I found that Salman wasn’t just an ordinary mosque.

In my early life in ITB, I spend most of my time in Salman and I got some ‘first friend’ there. Moreover, when I decided to join an organization under Salman’s authority, I got more friends that would be my best friends. I won’t forget them, because they were inspired me to be a dilligent & hard worker student in my first year at ITB. For example, one of them have a daily activity by visiting library. He always borrow a thick, boring (in my mind), english textbook (usually Math, Chemistry, and Physics) and put them in his backpack. Once I saw him (he seems like a turtle and walk crooked) doing his activity, I was impressed. I was jealous by his spirit of study and also embarassed because I used to be a “loyal” library visitor too when I was in high school. Because of that, I declared to my self, I will study hard (again), get as many as knowledge I need, no matter if I should do the turtle walk too (because carrying many books on my back). So, in my next sophomore year and until this third year in campus, I always visit the library, even it located in far-far away land from my “green area” at Civil Engineering Dept.

Oia, another advantage I got from this friendship is, I always remembered to be a good moslem, which should have a good attitude to God, people, and other God’s creature.

Nice Place to Study and Great Place to Refresh Our Spirit

Salman and its atmosphere is very conducive to great productivity. Imagine you are reading a book, review the last class materials, or conduct scientific discussion with your friends in a fresh air and accompanied by soft-noise from bird’s twitter and chirped cricket… That’s why Salman also functioned to be an activities center instead its primary function as a mosque to serve and fulfill moslem’s religious needs.

Almost everyday I spend my time in Salman. I always study and take a rest in there (instead of pray of course), especially when I was in first year. I made it to be my basecamp because usually my class schedule didn’t continuous in one day, so I can take a nap for a while. I believe, one of many factors that caused I got a flying mark in my first year is a perfect blend of my study and religious activity in Salman. Unfortunately, when I was sophomore, my mark is “cooling down”. And in that “depression era”, I often make Salman as a place to cry and replenish my spirit. Now, in this year of study, I tried to get back my precious achievement by approaches Salman again. Amin.

Get Yourself Toward Salman
When I was preparing my departure to study
at TN High School for 3 years, my closest neighbor, whom I regard him as my father, said:

“Wherever you are, whatever your activities, get yourself closer to the mosque, do not forget it!”

Such a simple admonition, but has a deep meaning…

Yes, when we are close to the mosque, we also close to Allah SWT, which means we will (insya Allah) always under His Mercy.

So as a mosque, Salman should be a place that we paid attention to. Especially by an ITB students.

Last, based on my experience, I suggest, if you are in the first year study at ITB, at least you should make Salman as your initial “environment” which will provides you the basic principle to face a tough life in ITB…

“Wherever you are, whatever your activities, get yourself closer to the mosque, do not forget it!”

I hope this article can inspire you and re-inspire & recall the memory of author about it
Amiin .

6 Comments on "Salman: My Second Home"

  1. what a nice post! and nice pics too, gan. somehow now i\’m thinking about study in Salman, i have never done that until now comes my third year on campus. once me and arum thought about visiting salman and spend a night inside it by doing \’itikaf\’, but we didn\’t have any guts to do that because we bet that we will never do the \’itikaf\’ right, we will just hang there and make noises like stray dogs who don\’t have any places to stay.


  2. @miftah:iya nih,memang harus tobat setiap waktu manusia mah…@pitong:Thx.You\’ve inspired me to write in english, even my grammar still \’confusing\’ in certain area..Good idea having itikaf at salman, maybe you should take a look at Salman\’s agenda.Because sometimes they accomodate us who wants to have itikaf there. Not like stray dogs i thing, maybe just like chattered caveman who can\’t hold the cold..hehe…But don\’t worry, wooden floor of Salman will give you extra heat…


  3. hua, nice!but maybe i\’m different than you… i think Salman is a nice place for chit-chat. with my friend, lulu.. hooo.but actually, i feel something about Salman with its magical aura. it seems many people with good heart visit and pray here.hhhm, i\’ve studied here once in my second year. and it\’s absolutely nice!


  4. @ninis:come on Nis…get closer to Salman (but it doesn\’t mean I haved close to Salman)…I\’ve seen many people in 4th year (that\’s mean they are facing the final work at ITB)become Salmaners in their last minute.If we could become Salmaners from now,why not?I also still trying to become Salmaners


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